viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Garbage Reader

You feel that your favorite books do not contribute anything just because you have supernatural or fictitious issues?
that some people tell the stories of science fiction and fantasy are a step or a waste of time?

Well today I'll tell you what they think or what they say is totally wrong, because these mystical stories develop different areas of your brain, and your brain that generate explore unifamiliar situations of your daily life, activate your imagination, know different experiences, get in the shoes of someone else, and by that i reach if you like the genre of youth, classic, police, etc.  It is your gender, only if someone else tells you to read that will not get you anything 
does not mean it is not important because it is for you and if 
you like it because you learned something from it, or you feel
identified with the characters or facts and just because someone else does not like does not mean that the other person is better than you, the likes of someone they do not get better than others, so enjoy what you are someone that you like, because so you got more higher than you ever imagined.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

About Me

My name is Tania Morales and I have 15 years old, I like to read the novels of almost any types, but my favorites are the dystopian stories and fantasy.

I also like listening to music, dancing, watching movies and eating a lot chocolate, my favorite food is the lasagna and the butter cookies. 

Some things I don't like make are washed slab, running errands and tasks very long .